Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Stop Bullying (Speak Up)

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Bullying has been a problem all over the world for a very long time. The only way we can stop it is to be aware. If you witness bullying, SPEAK UP, tell a teacher or an administrator. Do NOT get in the middle of the action.You can get yourself in trouble or even hurt instead you can use words to the bully at another time. If people get aware, the rate of bullying will drop.

When i was in the 5th grade, i used to get beat up and made fun of. And people would always walk straight past the situation like, it wasn't even happening. I told the teacher, but all she said was,"i didn't see it". So the same thing would happen to me everyday. Until, a new kid came to our school, the bully tried to pick on him.   He got punched in the face and immediately he fell to the floor, unconscious. He never came back to the school.

When i was in the 6th grade, i witnessed bullying. Then, flashbacks came from when i was in 5th grade, when people would just walk past, and the look on my face when it happened. I walked up and said, "you think it's okay to bully someone smaller than you?". I forgot his response but i do remember getting pushed into a locker and the principle taking him to the office.

    4,500 children ages 10-14 commit suicide every year.

                                  |This Ends Now|


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