Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Stop Bullying (Speak Up)

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Bullying has been a problem all over the world for a very long time. The only way we can stop it is to be aware. If you witness bullying, SPEAK UP, tell a teacher or an administrator. Do NOT get in the middle of the action.You can get yourself in trouble or even hurt instead you can use words to the bully at another time. If people get aware, the rate of bullying will drop.

When i was in the 5th grade, i used to get beat up and made fun of. And people would always walk straight past the situation like, it wasn't even happening. I told the teacher, but all she said was,"i didn't see it". So the same thing would happen to me everyday. Until, a new kid came to our school, the bully tried to pick on him.   He got punched in the face and immediately he fell to the floor, unconscious. He never came back to the school.

When i was in the 6th grade, i witnessed bullying. Then, flashbacks came from when i was in 5th grade, when people would just walk past, and the look on my face when it happened. I walked up and said, "you think it's okay to bully someone smaller than you?". I forgot his response but i do remember getting pushed into a locker and the principle taking him to the office.

    4,500 children ages 10-14 commit suicide every year.

                                  |This Ends Now|


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Tuesday, September 29, 2015



The first eclipse was on July 28, eclipse occurs when the moon gets between Earth and the sun, and the moon casts a shadow over Earth. But this can only happen if the moon is at the new moon phase. I can honestly say that I've never seen an eclipse before, only family members of mine have seen them, but I've seen pictures of them and they look pretty cool! Have you ever seen an eclipse?

My questions before learning about eclipses were: What do they look like? How do they form ? How long do they last ?
When I was younger, I used to fear what was in space. I didn't know what was out there, all you saw when you look up in the night was black. And at that age I was scared of the dark, so I would never stay outside past 7:00.  I did not fear the moon though, I liked the sight of it. Be sure to comment on the blog! -Johnnie
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^^Lunar Eclipse^^
(Also Called Blood Moon)

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^^Solar Eclipse^^

They both form the same way, the just look different because they're at different stages.

Hope You Liked!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Nike Socks

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Nike socks are comfortable and stylish at the same time! They come in different colors so they can match with any color clothing.There are 2 versions of Nike socks, Elite Version and Dri-Fit Version.My first time wearing Nike socks was when i was 10 yrs old. I washed them everyday so I can wear them to school the next day. Now I have more than one pair so i can wear them whenever I want!

My friends have Nike socks. Some of my family members also wear Nike socks. The first time I ever wore Nike socks, I knew I would get more soon. Comment below if you have Nike socks* When I was younger, I would wear them till they ripped. I have breast cancer socks with the breast cancer sign on the side.

 Go Check Them Out At:

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Niagara Falls

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The Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful places you can visit. It is over 165 Ft deep and located in New York and stretches to Canada. Niagara Falls is actually the collective name for all three falls. I uncovered some fascinating information while reading about the "falls". The most interesting thing I uncovered was not what I was expecting!

To my surprise and although it is illegal, not to mention not very smart, many people have attempted to cross the Niagara Falls. Many people have suffered injuries and sadly some have died from attempting to cross this landmark. This doesn't stop more people from trying!  Some tightrope walkers have tried to cross it and have been successful. The first tightrope walker to successfully cross it in 1859 was Jean-Francios Gravelet. After he successfully cross it in 17 minutes he crossed it several more times using different variations such as carrying a man on his back, wearing a gorilla costume, and pushing a wheel barrow! 

Jordan Retro 13

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The Jordan Retro 13 shoe is currently one of my favorite pair of shoes. They are very comfortable to run and walk in. The shoe is made for sports and the way it's designed protects your ankle which helps prevent injuries. They are great for playing sport such as football, basketball, tennis, or track to name a few. Personally I think they are too stylish to destroy playing sports. 

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These shoes are my first choice when I am trying to look my best.No matter what color I have at the time I can always find some fresh clothing to match with them. My first time wearing Jordans it felt like my foot was inside a  pillow. They were very comfortable and stylish. I love to dress in a fresh outfit and a new pair of 13's. Michael Jordan "hit the jackpot" with these shoes. One day I hope to have a pair in every color! You can check out all different style of Jordans,‎, Or