Thursday, April 14, 2016

25 Facts About Your Body You Didn't Know

Ten Facts About Your Body You Didn't Know
                                              BIG FACT
Eyelash Mite1. Are you familiar with that little annoying eye-twitch that you get sometimes? Occurs more often in people who see eye to eye with the surprisingly common eyelash mite. About half of the world’s population keeps these little critters in their lashes. Pull out a few eyelashes, view them under a microscope, and get ready to meet Mr. Mite: he’s about one third of a millimeter in length, and survives by feeding on your skin cells and body oils.
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2.Your nose can remember 50,000 different scents.

Image result for shedding skin                                                                                                                                               3.Humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin every hour.
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   4.An adult human being is made up of around 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms.

Image result for blood vessels5.There are 100,000 miles of blood vessels in an adult human body.

6.An average person produces about 25,000 quarts of saliva in a lifetime, enough to fill two swimming pools.Image result for 2 swimming Pools

Image result for metal nail 3 inches long7.Your body has enough iron in it to make a metal nail 3 inches long.

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8.The strongest muscle in the human body is the masseter (jaw muscle).

Image result for pit stink9.Sweat itself is odorless. It's the bacteria on the skin that mingles with it and produces body odor.

Image result for tongue print10.Similar to fingerprints, everyone also has a Unique Tongue Print.

11. When awake, the human brain produces enough electricity to power a small light bulb.
Image result for Bones Stronger than steel

12. Human Bones are ounce for ounce, stronger than steel.

Image result for Eye Digital camera13. If the human eye was a digital camera it would have 576 megapixels.

                                                                         14.Your heartbeat changes and mimics the music you listen to.
Image result for heartbeat music note

Image result for bacteria15.There're more bacteria in your mouth than there are people in the world.
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16.Every day, your heart creates enough energy to drive a truck for 20 miles (32 km).
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17.If uncoiled, the DNA in all the cells in your body would stretch 10 billion miles, from here to Pluto and back.
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18.Most of the dust underneath your bed is actually your own dead skin.

Image result for real skeleton in coffinImage result for less than 7 hours of sleep19.Within three days of death, the enzymes that once digested your dinner begin to eat you.

20.Sleeping less than 7 hours each night reduces your life expectancy.

Image result for electrical heart21.Your heart can keep beating even if it is separated from the body because it has its own electrical impulse.
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22.When you take one step, you are using up to 200 muscles

Image result for human fingers23.Human fingers can feel objects as small as 13 nanometers. That means, if your finger was the size of the Earth, you would feel the difference between houses and cars.

Image result for Stomach acid24.If your stomach acid got onto your skin it would burn a hole in it.

25.Your lungs can hold up to 5 minutes worth of oxygen.Image result for Lungs

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