Clash Of Clans
Clash of clans is a strategy-battling game with a variety of different types of troops to use. You have your personal base that you can make so no-one can beat it. There are traps you can include in your personal base. Such as : Spring Traps, Bombs, Air Mine, and seeking air mine. Do you play clash of clans?
My first time i played i got Town Hall lvl 8. Then i got hacked and had to start over.That's what you gotta be careful of. Never share any passwords or any personal information on any game, website, or server. There are 10 Town Halls. Every time you upgrade to a new Town Hall, you unlock stuff and can upgrade your defenses more. Clash Of Clans is a game made by Supercell.
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Minecraft is a game where you can build anything you can possibly think of. It has good graphics. There are more than 1,000 blocks. You can build houses, mansions,and even sky scrapers!You can even spawn animals and monsters!
My first time playing was fun. There is a creative mode and survival mode.In creative mode, you can fly and have unlimited blocks.In survival, you cannot fly and you have to find your own blocks and resources. Comment if you've ever played Minecraft. is a game where you are a cell, and you get bigger as you eat other cells. Once you are the biggest cell, you are #1 on the leader-board. You can split to two pieces to get smaller cells.The Bigger you get, the slower you are. You can play it on a mobile device or a computer.
My first time playing was pretty fun. I only got 1st a couple of times but it was cool playing as the biggest. You can shoot viruses at people and make even the biggest cell split up to little pieces. You can do Team Mode, FFA (Free-For-All), or Experimental. Do you have the skills to get to the top?
Madden 16
Madden 16 is a football game that recently just came out. It has different types of tackle evading moves and different kind of catches. You can run after catch, aggressive catch, and possession catch.The Madden game has been around since way before i was born! They're making the game better every year.
My first time playing this game was when i was 6 years old. I had no idea of what i was doing . As i got older, i got better at the game. There are more than 50 fields you can play/practice on. Have you ever played Madden?